Friday, December 11, 2009

Student Driver

Well today was a good day. Kyle started the morning with driving class. He actually got to drive in this wonderful weather using hand controls. He picked it up pretty easy, he says he can thank his yrs of farming for that. All the therapies went well. He has about 5 more days on the vancomycin antibiodic, then he is done with all the antibiodics. The dr thinks once he gets home he should not have problems with bowel infections. I have another week here then I am headed back to Texas. I think Veronica is going to fly in and drive home with me. This should be very interesting. I hope we dont get lost. We talked to the girls tonight, Kyla said she is ready to see me because her toenails need painted and Brooke is glad that I will make her piano session on Sat. I think they are tired and ready for us to be home. They have been so good through all this. They are strong like their daddy. Well we are entering the weekend so don't be suprised if I don't blog because there isn't a whole lot that goes on. Goodnight


  1. Sounds very positive! Kyle, you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
    Amber Jennigns & City View FFA

  2. Sounds like you have become the teachers pet around there, huh? But when you look as good as you do...well, i can understand that!! see when ya get to be as old as i am you can say whatever you want! right??? glad to hear the driving went will look gggreat in that big ol' honkin YELLOW pickup that visd bought...hope yellow is your color!!! with a yellow truck and pink fluffy welders...we should be able to pick you out in a crowd! have i told you lately how much i miss your face? well, i do..i am waiting for jenny to call me to the classroom when they are on Snipe or Skipe or Scope or whatever that thing is they talk to you on..i think if i could see your face..well, maybe i would feel better. still behave yourself you are on the countdown!!!!
    love ya, the ofx oops thats code for fox
