Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Technical Difficulties

For those of you that got on this Am to see the new post sorry. Last night after I typed the new blog I went to publish it and it didn't work it just erased it all! Afterwards I couldn't get back on the site, so I will post one now then try and post one tonight to make up. Yesterday was ok. Kyle says he feels like he is back in high school. He goes to weightlifting in the am then goes to education classes during the day and he evens has homework. I told him now he knows what his kids feel like, but he corrected me and said he nevers gives homework and that he doesn't believe in it. Now I know why everyone likes him. He also says that PT and OT are trying to kill him and he is still bribing everyone down here to try to get him a powerchair. He never quits. He got to try a new demo chair. He really liked it. We got to take it outside and test drive it. He will get to try two more this week and then order his favorite on Friday. They have to prepare him as if he is going home tomorrow. He is still getting nasueated and is still pretty full, so they are doing a procedure today to clean him out, so he can start to feel better. We want him feeling at his best when our girls come this weekend. Kyle wants to wish all of his kids the best of luck today at contest! We want to thank Lance and Kim Graf for the beautiful pillow, Kyle absolutely loved it. I tried to take pics for everyone to see but I am having technical difficulties. Thanks to Putze for the Notre Dame sweatshirt, Kyle said you did good. Thanks to Cathy Fox for the box of goodies. Not only were the cookies decorated beautifully but they were good too. Kyle said you even remembered his favorite mints. Thanks to Debbie and Bobby Sosolik for the card and brochure of the Church. The kid on the card reminded me of Kyle, he was soo cute. Kyle said he would keep that card forever, especially since it came from Shorty Kuehler's auction. Thanks to everyone who continues to send cards and prayers they mean a lot to us. O and 2 more days til my munchkins get here!! Yeah!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see that someone other than myself is having technical difficulties. I don't know why those technical difficulties follow me wherever I go. :) The Cubas think of you everyday and pray that God will give you both the hope and courage that you need for each day. Keep up the good work.
