Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nana's birthday

This morning started out good. Kyle got up and worked with the occupational therapist and did very well. He does really well in the am, but as the day goes on he gets pretty worn out. Then he had PT after lunch and he really wasn't feeling good. They tried to get him up in the standing frame, but his blood pressure couldn't tolerate it. It just makes you wonder if it ever gets any easier. For him I mean. Will there ever be a day when he gets up and actually has a good day all the way thru, not just a good morning. I hope that day comes soon because lord knows he needs it. Today has been tough emotionally on both of us. The girls went to the football game and got home really tired. Unfortunately Brooke was so tired she started crying and missing us. So when we called she was sad, which tore us both apart. Its so hard to hear her say she misses us and not be able to do anything about it. Shelley says this is the first night she has ever cried, but we knew it was probably coming. It wasn't ten minutes later and she was asleep. We are still counting down the days when we can see those two. I know its bound to make Kyle's recovery better.
To Kevin and Shelley, words can never express how greatful we are for what you are doing with our kids. We will owe you the rest of our lives. You couldn't be doing a better job. The girls seem happy and safe there with you. We just wanted to stop and say thank you and say we notice all the love you give our girls. Shelley hang in there girl I am sure it gets tough but you are a great mom and are doing great. My kids are so lucky to have the family they have. So once again thanks.
Kyle got to talk to some of the kids at school on skype which really lifted his spirits. He needed that. He said that he would be checking in on you guys often.
Thank you to Jeffrey, Lu, Dee, Ambra, Kaylen, and Ben for the Tech gear. It came at the right time, because hardly anyone here knows Tech. Thanks to the Tony Myers Family for the care package Kyle loved all the goodies especially the munchos. You are right the TM farms cap was his favorite. Thank you to all who sent cards, we have gotten so many I can no longer post them, which is amazing.
By the way Nana wants us to let everyone know thanks for all the birthday cards and birthday wishes.


  1. Mija it will get better,everything right now is still fresh but it will get better. Its good that Brooke cried because it's good for her to let it out when she needs to so she won't keep it bottled up.It's not healthy for her to keep it bottled up.But you got some strong little girls and ya are gonna have agreat visit when they go down there. Tell Kyle to keep up the good work and that we love him. Oh tell Nana Happy Birthday.Luv You mija and still praying.

  2. Thank you so much for doing this blog, and for letting us have such a personal glimpse into y'all's recovery. My prayers are with Kyle and your family; I will pray specifically for him to have a good day- all day!

  3. Happy Birthday Mary.
    I agree with Kristi, thank you for sharing
    Kyle's recovery even when it would be easier for ya'll not to share. The next days will drag, waiting for the girls to show up, huh? You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers daily. Have a good weekend.

  4. The updates are great!Sounds like things are on the mend. If anybody can get it done-that would be Kyle! Look what he makes happen in that Ag shop.
    The envy of all the surrounding towns! So I suspect the "Therapy Room" to be no different. He's a litte bit of a workaholic(which you know he gets from his mom).Happy birthday Mary! I enjoyed the story about Kyla selling Halloween candy for a quarter.Wonder where she gets that from? Who sold little cars and trucks to other little kids? Bring on the therapy--Kyle can get it done! Prayers and thoughts for all of you.
    I saw the girls with Shelley aand her mom in Walmart in Vernon- they were doing great-Shelley had it all under control! Take Care-Cindy(Thalia]

  5. Erica/Kyle,
    Although I don't know know you folks, I think we share some friends, one is a jewish carpenter. Kyle I have heard your predicament is pretty tough, however I believe in supernatural miracles. (from God, not something goofy) I would like to pray for you and your family and when you or Erica read the prayer just agree, there is power in agreement.
    Father we come before you with praise and thanksgiving and Father we lift Kyle before you and we pray for a miracle for him. Father we pray that you mend what is broken and fix whatever needs fixin'. Father we thank you for meeting all the Myer's familys needs and watching over their children and those who are takeing care of the children. In Jesus name we pray, Amen and Amen, God Bless America,
    later, Rick
