Monday, November 2, 2009

More Tests

I thought today was going to be a long day of therapy but Kyle had to go for his MRI and x-rays so he missed therapy. He said he would rather have gone to therapy instead of that MRI. They valium was ok other than they did not give him enough! We will know the result tomorrow. He did however have to go to weightlifting in the am. I told him he was going to be all buff when he gets out of here, and guess what he said? Yup, he was already buff enough! I got the best cards in the mail! They were from no other than our beautiful girls! They had glitter and drawings all over them and were red and black, you know Tech colors! They did such a good job on them. Judging by all the glitter and glue, Shelley had a mess to clean up. Cathy Fox we loved the pictures of the teachers in their costumes, Kyle laughed. You were so right when you said how hard it must be for me to watch Kyle hurt. I feel like I am not doing enough for him. I just can't seem to make this better. I know he is glad I am here with him because me and him are so close and I guess that will just have to be enough.Tara Cottingham thank you for the card and the Prayer list. It warms our hearts that people take different times out of their day to pray for us. With all the prayers headed up there everyday I know they get heard, thanks. Veronica and the hospital crew keep writing me I love to know what is going on at that crazy hospital and we miss you too. Thank you to Nancy Birkenfeld and family, Mr and Mrs Edwards, Gerard and Dayle, Judy and Max Tatum and Vernon ISD faculty and staff for the wonderful cards. I pretty sure we have the most cards up here!
I just got wonderful news that my girls are getting to come down here Nov 13 and stay a few days. It will be so good to see their beautiful faces. I can't even began to explain how much we miss them. Kyle and I talk about them everynight before bed. Now we can look forward to them coming, maybe they can see some snow!
Well time for Kyle's bath so goodbye.


  1. Hey Kyle,
    This is Tara McCandless Hinkle, Ambra's Tech roommate. Just wanted you to know that we are thinking about you and praying for you here in Iowa Park! Thanks for the updates.

  2. Erica & Kyle,
    Thanks so much for the daily updates. It helps to know what you are doing each day as we pray for Kyle's healing. So glad the girls are going to get to come see you all! That will be the best medicine! I check this blog every morning as I pray for you and it warms my heart to hear how hard Kyle is working towards recovery and Erica you are right there encouraging him. Keep it up!
    Johnny & Nancy Birkenfeld

  3. I need to tell ya something bout that Mckyla of urs. She went 2 work with her grandma on Saturday and she was eating some nerd candies and I asked her if I could have some candy and she said no I asked again and she said no then I asked her if I could have some I would give her a Quarter and she said ok. I had 2 pay a quarter for 1 tiny and I do mean tiny candy not some candy but 1 candy and after she gave it 2 me she put her hand out 2 get her quarter. Then later I went in there again and asked if I could have another one and guess what she put her hand out 4 money be4 she gave me the candy. That Mckyla is a trip. Gotta Luv her.On halloween night I didnt have anymore quarters so I didnt even ask her 4 candy Brooke and Nana gave me candy free of charge. lol. Well I gotta go 2 work I just wanted ya 2 know what ur daughter did 2 me. Luv Ya.

  4. Hi Kyle,
    We just wanted to send you a quick message to let you know we are thinking of you and praying for your continuous recovery and quick return home. Brant has been updating us daily and following this blog. He sends his best wishes and lots of prayers your way. Thank yall for keeping us updated and if you need us, just know we are here.
    Lots of Love, Brant, Laci, Brilee, & Brenn Reed

  5. Hey everyone,
    What Lupe said is sooo true--that McKyla only knows 2 words--uh-hu and no. But she's cute enough to get by with it. On Friday, Shelley took her to the black light pep rally, and Shelley and I begged her to take a glow necklace--it was all uh-huh and no--and then it starts and lights go out. Annelle comes rushing out with McKyla to get her a glow necklace--I was like we TRIED to get her to take one 15 min ago!!Hard headed little toot--and where did she get that from!!!
    Glad to see the daily post since I am not old enough for facebook (HAHA)
    Let us know about the test results asap too.
    Thanks and stay strong-- we are all praying for all of you!!!

  6. Kyle,
    Glad you liked the pictures that Cathy sent. I guess she told you that we four have quit our jobs and decided to go on tour. :) It was fun...wish you were here to see how ridiculous we REALLY looked. We sure do miss you. Erica, thanks for the family and I look forward to reading them every day. Give Kyle a big hug for all of us.
    Corwin, Lisa, and Seth
