Sunday, January 17, 2010

Back to Denver We Go

Well the last 2 weeks have flown by. It doesn't even feel like Kyle has been home that long. It seems like we just got settled into some kinda routine. We drove Kyle to Amarillo this morning to catch his flight back to Denver Co. He has come such a long way from where he was 3 months ago. I couldn't be anymore proud of his strength and courage, he inspires me everyday. I am going to miss him like crazy these next two weeks. The good thing is that it is only two weeks not months. I know he will come back even stronger than he did his first go round. He got on the plane at about 5:30 and Erica Larson was there waiting for him. I think this makes her fourth trip to Denver in the last couple of months. I am sure thankful for all of her help and I know Kyle feels the same! Kyle got to Craig this evening at about 7:00pm very tired and in some pain. He said it wasn't as bad as his flight home. As soon as they got there Erica went out and stocked him up on groceries. Erica will be flying back some time tomorrow. Kyle should be busy with classes all week and will be done after about 6pm for those who wish to call. Tomorrow I will post the address. He will be in Denver until Friday the 29th then he gets to come home for good. When he comes home the Welch's should have our bathroom done at home so we can get back to Vernon. Thank you Annelle and Larry for all the hard work and time spent on our bathroom, we appreciate everything yal have done for us!
Well pray that Kyle has a good stay and that he continues to keep his spirit and strength up. Also we send prayers out to Shannon Myers and Family, we hope you continue to heal and get strength and that all works out in due time. I have enjoyed helping watch your little ones this weekend, they miss you tons, and are doing well. Love to you all.


  1. Thats great that Kyle got there alright. 2 weeks will fly by he'll home in no time. My prayers r still with him and a prayer to Shannon Myers and her family also.

  2. not a day goes by that I don't think of Kyle. You are all in my prayers daily. i will be sooo glad when i can finally "eyeball" this guy that i have missed soooo much! his courage and strengh have been an inspiration to me and many others just as you have been, Erika. Jenny told me he is already home!!YAHOO!! please tell Kyle that when he is ready to see any of us...I am patiently waiting. I just love him so much and I am VERY proud of him.
