Monday, October 26, 2009

Busy Busy Monday

It seems as if Mondays are always busy no matter where you are. We got Kyle up today at about 9 this am for occupational therapy he lifted weights and worked on upper body strengthening for about an hour, then we walked around and enjoyed the pretty day, its kinda funny but Colorado is a lot like Texas in that it is hot one day and cold the next. After lunch Kyle had physical therapy at about 2 he worked on balance which seems so easy to us but with him losing the feeling to his lower half its like it isn't there so even the simplest thing as sitting up becomes a task, but like I knew he would he mastered thru it and did well, the therapist said he was way ahead for having such a fresh injury. At 3 he got to finally lay down which means he was up for a total of 6 hours! WOOHOO! He did great I am so proud of him and his pain has been tolerable thru it all. They are supposed to be removing the staples to his incision on Wednesday and I think he will be a lot more comfortable as soon as those staples come out. We talked to Kevin this morning and he says that Kyla is her daddy made over. For those of you that don't know Kyle, Kevin, Keith and Billie go to Allsup's every Sunday they are together, its like a ritual. Since Apaw and Kyle are gone the girls wanted Kevin to take them Sunday so he did and he said Kyla went straight for the Muncho's which is Kyle' s favorite chips, funny how kids remember that! They sound good, still missing them but hopefully they will be able to come out here soon to visit!


  1. Wonderful news. Tell Kyle we r proud of him and 2 keep up the good work. Luv Ya and still praying.

  2. Glad to hear that y'all had a successful day. I enjoyed that sweet little Kindergartener again today! She had a huge smile on her face the entire time she was in my class! I read the following sentence today and immediately thought of all of you. "If you defend whatever it is that God gives you, you will see miracles."

    Praying continually for all of you---
    Tara Cottingham

  3. Next, she will be asking for Long John Silver's :)

  4. Erica and Kyle,
    Just wanted to say Hi. Thanks for taking the time to keep everyone updated. I have been thinking about you all constantly and I am glad there is a way to stay connected. Everyone here says hello and extends best wishes. Kyle, I haven't forgot about the jackets!! From the sound of it, you might need them up there. I'll get them to you soon!! Stay strong! See you soon!!

  5. Just want to say hey! We are thinking of you two and want you to know that things around the house are fine. Trailer IS locked up and the dogs are in good hands between the two of us here. The yard will need to be mowed soon the grass is growing fast. Evan sends his regards. Keeing you in our prayers and thoughts. Let us know if you need anything!!
    Keith And Angela
